It’s one of the great but very dangerous GAA myths that’s peddled in certain quarters: “Nobody should be out of pocket because of their involvement in Gaelic games.”
Not only is it not true but the opposite is true … Gaelic games only survive because plenty of people are willing to be out of pocket ‘ar son na coise/for the cause’.
Like all GAA Clubs we’re now at the main bill-paying part of the year and currently have several hefty outlays to make just to play our games. Then there’s gear, maintenance, Rates, heat/light/power and many other costs added in on top. Our start-of-year ‘throw-in’ costs amount to some £16,150 and include:
· Player injury scheme: £6,098
· Ladies Football affiliation: £5,000
· Property and public liability insurance: £2,312
· Competition fees: £1,580
· Camogie, Handball, Hurling and Tyrone Ladies: £500
· Administration: £410
· Schools coaching: £250
Nobody else picks up this tab for us … it’s up to us Kildress Gaels to do it. That’s why we’re constantly fund-raising and why at the minute we’re seeking Membership subscriptions from everybody. The whole point of all this is to give around 300 young people in Kildress good, purposeful activity to be involved in. That’s the massive prize in front of us. But it comes at a price. Will you help us meet it?